Yearbook Search

Begins With: 

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Last Name
First Name
Abarca Dustin 2012
Abaunza Alexander 2015
Abbott Athena 1993
Abbott Bradley 2004
Abbott Hayley 2006
Abbott Ryan 2003
Abdi Tara 2016
Abebe Ammanuel 2011
Abella Andres 2017
Abella Leonardo 2009
Abhang Dimple 2006
Abhang Jay 2004
Abke Whitney 2006
Able Brian 2007
Abney Lisa 2002
Abrahamson Britt 2010
Abrahamson John 2012
Abreu Sean 1988
Acenas Jethro 2002
Aceves Marcella 2018

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Search Help
Name Begins With
Use this search function to list all alumni whose last name or first name begins with the selected letter. It is possible for no results to be returned for a selected letter, that just means no alumni have last names or first names beginning with that letter. Once you have selected a letter then click the Find button. The selected letter will remain active in the selection box until you clear it out by either selecting the blank option or pressing the All button. You must clear this selection box before using the Contains search function.

Name Contains
Use this search function to list all alumni whose last name or first name contains the input text string. For example if you enter, Jones, the returned list will contain alumni with the last name Jones as well as alumni with the last name Smith-Jones. Once you have entered a text string then click the Find button. The entered text string will remain active until you clear it out by either deleting the text or pressing the All button. You must clear the text before using the Begins With search function.